While it isn't quite late enough in the season to carve pumpkins our house needed a little holiday decoration with a Ry touch. Ry was gifted the perfect size pumpkin from my cousin Colin this weekend so today we I helped her decorate it for the holidays.
Step 1: Tape up pumpkin with Painting tape.
Step 2: Find your husband's old sheets from the 90's painting sheets.
Step 3: Put Ry in clothes that don't fit
Step 4: Put Momma in clothes OK to get messy.
Step 5: Paint
Step 6: Shower
...it's off to daycare I go!!! As a daycare Mom I think I will always wonder what it is my one year old does all day. From who she plays with, why she eats so much better at daycare than at home, and what she looks like when she is sleeping... it's all part of who she is. Until she can tell us, Ry's day care provider was nice enough to take a few shots of her and her friends throughout the day.
Last night I had taken the time to pre-pack Ry's lunch, but forgot to pack mine. Ry only did minor damage to the toy room while I was getting ready.
Story time for the "big" kids.
Our little book work doing some independent reading... although I have to think Miss J may have posed this one.
Apparently the toys on the lower shelf weren't good enough.
Whenever I drop Ry off she heads right for the house. Pretty sure it is one of her favorite places to hang out.
Maybe S wasn't one of the two boys Ry made cry today from stealing toys from?
Today was a lonnggg day for MommaBear. I got up at 5am to head out to participate in a bridal sample sale with my sister. We arrived to the salon by 6 expecting a line, quickly to realize we were the only ones "in line" until 8:25. We went there never expecting to find anything, but we did. :) And let me just say... It looks AMAZING!
After I got home we headed to Davis Farmland in Sterling MA. It was quite a hike for us, but well worth the visit, we had an awesome time. Their are three main sections there the "make believe" play areas, the animals and a splash park. We spent time in all three! First up was the toddler area. Ry was a little aprehensive in the toddler area, even though we were the only ones there. For some reason she didn't want to walk around at all. She had an amazing time looking around and checking everything out, but the water features were definitely her favorite. In the "cuddle zone" we got an option to hold a 1 week old baby goat. How many people can say they have done that?