Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Egg-celent Sunday

This Sunday we headed over to Sunday dinner at Ry's Great Gram's.  It was an extra special Sunday because we all got to meet Ry's new second cousin Toby.  Ry did have one minor incident where she may have accidentally pulled Toby's hair and made him cry.  Watch out Ry - at the rate you are going Toby is going to be bigger than you one day soon!!!

Ummm... Grampy, who is that you are holding?

Hold on Grampy, I'm coming.

OK G. Uncle B, I'll stay with you and the claw!
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Monday, March 19, 2012


We have had some amazingly nice weather sast night D and I had decided that we would take Ry to the park right down the street from our house to check out the swings.  Today we both rushed home from work loaded up the car, and off we went.  Only to realize, the park near our house - does not have swings.  Fail.

We did have a swing for her at home though, so we got her home set up her swing, and Ry gave it a test ride.  She seemed to love it!  Hopefully we will be able to get outside more this week and enjoy the nice weather.  

After last years crazy winter I am still having a hard time believing that winter is over, but on our way inside I spotted some flowers starting to bloom by the road. 

In other amazing news Ry slept through the night the last two nights.  She hasn't done that since before Christmas.  It has felt amazing to get a few good nights sleep in a row. 

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day was a busy day for us.  We all got up around 7:15 to get ready and head to swimming.  Ry did great during class, and Dan was brave enough to dunk her before they got out of the pool.  After swimming we headed over to Ry's "school" for the annual Easter Egg Hunt and party.  Ry found 2 eggs and got to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap.  D and I looked like the bad parents - as we were the only ones there without a big fancy camera to take pictures.  I did manage to snap one on my cell phone though.  We got back to the house around 11:30 and after a quick trip to the grocery store began prepping lunch for the girls arrival.  Ry ate some carrots and had a nice piece of green pepper (a new first) while I was making homemade mac and cheese and the strawberry bruschetta I found on pinterest.  Ry and Z had another awesome playdate.  It is so much fun to see them interacting now.  Z tried to teach Ry another bad habit... always take off  your socks.  Not only did Z take of her socks, but she pulled Ry's off in one quick motion as well.

Z they have GOT to be kidding. Did they really just put these silly things on our head?

Ry can I borrow your sweatshirt, I'm getting cold. I will keep your foot warm.  But Ry seriously - you should try going barefoot more often.
Stupid Zippers.
OK Z - Let's just smile so we can get this over with.
OK Ry - Follow me. Lets go back to the toys.
Z - Remember these from last week? You can play with them again next weekend too.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

She Knows What She Wants

Since Ry was only days old it has been evident that she knows what she wants.  She was lifting her head and shifting her body to be comfortable, and positioned how she wanted to be since we were still in the hospital with her.  Feedings, if she didn't want to eat, she pursed her lips shut.  Burping, same thing.  She has never been the baby that just snuggles up to you when you hold her and is content.  Does she snuggle up with us, of course.  She just does it on her terms, rather than ours.  I was thinking about this tonight as I was giving Ry her bed time bottle, and she was grabbing it out of her mouth and shutting her lips to let me know she was done.

The reason I was reminiscing about this tonight however is because for the first time ever Dan and I saw Ry roll from back to belly.  Both her day care provider and my Mom have seen Ry do it, for months now, but she has never rolled at home.  We try every night using every toy we can find to get her to roll.  Tonight, Dan put out his cell phone, one of Ry's top 3 toys (along with the TV remotes and my kindle) and the next thing we knew, she rolled over. And, again.  And, again.  And, again.  This was her final "roll" of the night.  She definitely wanted that cell phone - she was so tired it took her a good few tries to make it over!

Oh and for all those who told me don't stock up on Size 1 Pampers because I won't need them. You were wrong. Ry still wears them (along with her cute cloths during the day of course). :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday T!!

Ry's 2nd cousin Toby was welcomed into the world 3 week early today!!! Happy Birthday Toby!! We can't wait to meet you!  Toby is my Grandmother's (on my Mom's side) second Great Grandchild!  We are so excited for K and C and their new addition!!!


We read Curious George and the Firefighters in honor of his wild ride!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Play Date

Friday night D and I headed out to a fundraiser with some of my best girl friends and their husbands.  Grammy and Grampy had offered to watch Ry and her BFF Z since Z's Mom was coming with us.  The girls and Grammy and Grampy seemed like they had a very good time.  

Zoe and Ry got to play blocks, check out Ry's jumper, eat some dinner, and even take their bottles together.  

Zoe - Here is how you eat the alphabet blocks.

Ry - Is this what you mean?

Oh yea Z - That was right.   Let's just bang them together now and make loud noises.

Hangin' out with Grampy

Wow Ry's Grampy - You have some awesome strings on this sweatshirt.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Swimming - Week 2

It was Momma's week to get into the water with Ry.  Even though D (who sat on the sideline) insists the water was just as cold last week, all the other parents who had been in the water both weeks suggested the water was much colder this week.  By about 15 minutes into the class all the kids were shivering.  Even some of the bigger kids further down the lane.  Ry still seems a little unsure of her surroundings in the big crowded swimming pool, but she did not cry at all this week. 

During the Hokey Pokey when we "put our wholeself in" we were told if we were brave enough we could dunk the kids under.  Knowing there was still 10 minutes of the class left I opted out (as did everyone else in the class) - just incase Ry wasn't a fan.  Before we got out of the pool, I did dunk Ry, and she took it like a champ!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ry's New Talent

We got home from work on Wednesday to find Ry had a new talent.
She has started to give kisses too, and if you look close in the second video it almost looks like she gives Kipu a kiss too. Maybe it's just my imagination running wild, but I love it anyways.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hi Guys - It's me Kipu here. Just wanted to let you know I'm alive and well. You may think that Ry has taken over and completely runs House of Kobs, but that is not 100% the truth. I am still here. I still have Dad wrapped around my paw, and get him to play with me all the time. It is winter time so I have been in hibernation and haven't had much to blog about. My cousin ND just got a new house, so come spring I plan on coming out of hibernation and tinkling in every room just like she does when she visits me. Happy hibernating!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ry and her little cousin

Ry had a quick stop off to visit her cousin's on Saturday.  It looks like her little cousin may be her big cousin these days.  While Ry may not be the yongest Kob, she certainly still is the smallest.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meal Time

Ry ate her avocados in this for the first time tonight.  She loved it!  We had tried the boon gnaw a few weeks ago, but didn't love how hard it was to clean it.  So far the Munchkin mesh feeder was a big hit.  Ry when you are over 20 and reading this, you can ask me what Daddy thought it seemed like.