Since Ry was only days old it has been evident that she knows what she wants. She was lifting her head and shifting her body to be comfortable, and positioned how she wanted to be since we were still in the hospital with her. Feedings, if she didn't want to eat, she pursed her lips shut. Burping, same thing. She has never been the baby that just snuggles up to you when you hold her and is content. Does she snuggle up with us, of course. She just does it on her terms, rather than ours. I was thinking about this tonight as I was giving Ry her bed time bottle, and she was grabbing it out of her mouth and shutting her lips to let me know she was done.
The reason I was reminiscing about this tonight however is because for the first time ever Dan and I saw Ry roll from back to belly. Both her day care provider and my Mom have seen Ry do it, for months now, but she has never rolled at home. We try every night using every toy we can find to get her to roll. Tonight, Dan put out his cell phone, one of Ry's top 3 toys (along with the TV remotes and my kindle) and the next thing we knew, she rolled over. And, again. And, again. And, again. This was her final "roll" of the night. She definitely wanted that cell phone - she was so tired it took her a good few tries to make it over!
Oh and for all those who told me don't stock up on Size 1 Pampers because I won't need them. You were wrong. Ry still wears them (along with her cute cloths during the day of course). :)