Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day

Father's Day was another busy holiday for us in the Kobs house... but hey, that's life, we have amazing families and are blessed that we are able to see them all.  Ry woke up around 7:15 on Father's Day morning, so after feeding her a bottle in her room (and letting Dan sleep in) Ry and I headed downstairs to make breakfast for Dan!  I offered breakfast in bed, but apparently Dan doesn't like the idea of crumbs in the bed...  Maybe I should have explained to him that since we let our dirty, hairy, slobbering dog sleep in our bed, there would be no crumbs since she would clean them all up!  ;)  French toast, bacon, and raspberries were on the breakfast menu, and we were also making Dan funfetti cake - his fav.  

While prepping breakfast, I ran downstairs to grab the bag containing all the father's day cards (and a gift for Dan) out of my secret hiding spot, the floor of the car.  I got upstairs and went to fill out Dan's only to realize the card I had picked out for him was not among the 6 cards in the bag.  {Insert crying Momma here}.  How could I not have a card for Dan for father's day?  I felt, and still do feel awful about it.  Turns out it is not a good idea to shop with a 10 month old & her taggie in your arms, especially one that LOVES paper, and tries to grab every card on the rack.  

As I was getting ready to throw the french toast on the griddle I heard the TV on upstairs, so I brought Ryann upstairs to smother Dan with love, and then they came downstairs so we could all enjoy breakfast together.

After breakfast we headed over to visit my parent's.  Hot dogs, hamburgers and sausage were on the Sunday dinner menu, Dan's favorite. Sunday dinner was a full house, and Ry got to see and play with lots of family including her little probably soon to be bigger cousin Toby.  By around 1:00 Ry was really starting to get cranky, and a nap was much needed.  Since we had to be at her cousin Maddi's dance recital by 3 which was over an hour away, we packed up all our stuff and headed out so Ry could sleep in the car.  She slept the entire way down, and woke up as soon as we opened the back seat to pull her out.  

Seats had been saved for us in the 3rd row with the rest of Maddi's entourage.  I panicked I didn't think there was ANY way she would sit still through the recital.  We took our seats, (near the aisle in case we needed to run her out of there) and prayed she would behave.  She did.  She was in awe watching every act.    I wish I had taken a picture but my goodness, I don't even thinks Ry blinked!  The show lasted about 50 minutes, and Ry did amazing.  While I don't think he would ever admit it, I think Dan even liked his first dance recital, and secretly can't wait until that is Ryann!  

It wasn't until we were leaving the recital that I realized it was Father's Day and I brought my point and shoot to take some pictures.  Momma fail #2 of the day.  Here are a few of Ry playing with her cousins!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

10 months

I have been so bad at documenting milestones each month, but haven't missed a minute enjoying life with my amazing girl. She is crawling, has 4 teeth, wears 9-12 month jammies, 9 month clothes, size 2 pampers, eats tons of table food, and is a carb monster! Her mom and dad love her so much! Oh and Kipu too!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ry's Pool

On Memorial Day weekend Dan and I decided to venture out and get Ry a kiddie pool. Given Kipu's love for the water not just any kiddie pool would do, were were in search of a hard plastic pool. After we bought the pool we almost had to leave with out, but ended up cramming it into the back of the Kia.

We got home, set it up, added some hose water as well as some boiling water and Ry and Daddy (oh and Kipu) went in for a nice swim!