Saturday, August 25, 2012

Visit to the Farm

 Today was a lonnggg day for MommaBear.  I got up at 5am to head out to participate in a bridal sample sale with my sister.  We arrived to the salon by 6 expecting a line, quickly to realize we were the only ones "in line" until 8:25.  We went there never expecting to find anything, but we did.  :)  And let me just say... It looks AMAZING! 

After I got home we headed to Davis Farmland in Sterling MA.  It was quite a hike for us, but well worth the visit, we had an awesome time.  Their are three main sections there the "make believe" play areas, the animals and a splash park.  We spent time in all three!  First up was the toddler area.  Ry was a little aprehensive in the toddler area, even though we were the only ones there.  For some reason she didn't want to walk around at all.  She had an amazing time looking around and checking everything out, but the water features were definitely her favorite.  In the "cuddle zone" we got an option to hold a 1 week old baby goat.  How many people can say they have done that?

Definitely an awesome day!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Beach Day

We decided to head to the beach for a friendly competitive game of skee ball with AK and UN.  We had a slight incident Ry threw up all over herself, her car seat and UN, which required us to turn around, so we got off to a later start than planned.  Ry seemed fine, so we chalked it up to a fluke and headed on our merry way.  Skee ball was one by yours truly and Dan, so we got smoked let AK and UN win in basketball to make sure they would still come hang with us again. 


After all our childish games we headed over to "roll the ball", a personal favorite of mine growing up.  I can remember sitting and playing many games with my Dad, and grandfather.  Ry really seemed to enjoy it too, although she had quite a few instances where her ball accidentally bounced over the glass rather than rolling under.

Post arcade we headed over to Brown's for some beach dinner, only two minutes before our steamer's arrived it happened again.  Ry got sick all over the table.  How embarassing.  (Although, she's not the first in our family to get sick at Brown's).  We cleaned it all up, and Dan found a stray picnic table outside for us to eat our dinner at prior to taking our poor sick girl home.  I guess that is one of the downfalls to having a super happy baby, you never know if they are really sick or not. 
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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Playing with Friends

Today we went to another one of Ry's friend's birthday party. It was a long trip down in traffic, and Ry slept most of the way. When we arrived I had to wake her up which lead her to not being her typical happy self. After splashing around in the kiddie pool and at the water table she was hanging with momma, while her friends tried to her her to join in and play.