There is a new sheriff in town. Turns out Ry has taken over as head of the household at our kitchen table! Before going back to work I decided to set up Ry's highchair so that she can join us at the table for dinner, and she can help me cook. The highchair is on wheels and allows for easy maneuvering between the stove/table. She wasn't so sure about sitting in it the first time we put her in it (see below) but she is starting to warm up to it, and I love that she doesn't have to hide away in her swing or on the floor somewhere while I cook.

And well because I love showing off my little girl... here are some of her new moves. She loves her kickin coaster, and tries it out once a night. The other day she was able to grab the rattle from the kickin coaster all by her self. Once she got it she wasn't too sure what to do with it though.
Daddy is a big fan of "Superman" and making Ry do sit ups. Usually by situp number 3 Ry has a huge grin on her face. I'm willing to bet that one of these times "Superman" will end with spit-up or drool on Dan, and the game will get the ax.
Last night Ry also decided to show some love for the Bruin's. She is a bit of a fair-weather fan and hasn't put on her onsie since the first home game. But since they have now won seven in a row (six at the time) she decided to sport her B's onsie and B's slippers. She also insisted on a bow. Oh how I love my girl!
Ryann, We Love your face! We have so many adventures to have Love, Z