Today we took Ry swimming for the first time. Auntie Kacey was coming over and told us she would come with us. Unfortunately, AK forgot her bathing suit, which was great for us, as she was able to take pictures for us of Ry's first swim. Thanks AK!
Since Ry love's the water Dan and I have discussed signing her up for swim lessons when she hits the 6 month mark. While the lessons probably won't be too beneficial at such a young age, I'm hoping that they will at least limit future fears of the water. It always amazed me when I lifeguarded how many children were afraid of the water, and I really hope Ryann won't have that fear.
Ryann lasted in the water for about 15 minutes before she started shivering, and seemed to enjoy her time in the water. Growing up with a pool in our back yard, many of my favorite childhood memories revolve around being in the water. I hope Ry will love swimming as much as I used to.