Well Ry's first Christmas was amazing. Unfortunatly she had been a little under the weather after a reaction from her 4 month vaccines, but she is starting to feel better each day. We are just hoping that this was a fluke and she doesn't have the same reaction for her 6 month shots. This was Ryann's first time getting sick, and it broke this Momma's heart. Even though she couldn't keep food down, she managed to always have a smile on her face.
Christmas Eve morning Kacey, Nate and Dottie came over to bake Grampy's gingersnap cookies. It took a little longer than expected, and two trips to the convenience store (even though AK insisted she was bringing all the ingredients). After we were done baking we jumped in the car and headed over to Grammy & PapaRonski's for Polish Christmas dinner of Pierogi's and Fish.
Since Ry had been sick I opted to wait to put her in her Christmas outfit when we arrived. Unfortunately when I went to get Ry dressed I realized her black tights were missing. This called for a trip to BRU (sorry Kimmy... hangs head in shame) from Ry's crazy Momma. There was no way my little girl wasn't going to put on her Christmas dress!
After dinner we headed out to Grammy & Grampy's for Christmas with my Mom's family. We pick names, and swap gifts with our family. Ryann didn't enter the swap this year, and got spoiled with gifts from everyone! I also ended up with a really nice Camera bag with lots of slots for lenses/flashes etc... Now I just need to start filling it!
We slept of Grammy and Grampy's on Christmas eve, exchanged gifts, and headed home to see what Santa brought Ryann.
Christmas Day included dinner with Ry's cousins, Grammy & PapaRonski, and then on the 26th we exchanged with the entire Kob's family.

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