Saturday, October 29, 2011

H.A.DoubleL.O.DoubleU.DoubleE.N Spells Halloween!

OK, so it's not quite Halloween here yet, but it's a good thing we got Ry a nice warm costume because she is currently hanging out watching a major Nor'Easter outside.  We are expecting anywhere between 4-10 inches depending on which forecast you watch.  Last night I spent the majority of the night carving out a pumpkin big enough to put Ry inside and take pictures.  Why you ask, because as Kimmy put it today when she and Zoe were over "they will only ever be small enough once to be put in a pumpkin".  Yes, Kimmy stopped by so Zoe could test out the pumpkin too!

Today was also pumpkin carving day with our nephews.  They came over last year to carve pumpkins, so we decided to continue the tradition this year.  Hopefully as the Kobs cousins get older it will be something they can all get together and do every year.

And here is Zoe checking out what is so great about being inside a pumpkin!

The pumpkins you ask. I'm saving those for tomorrows post. But let me warn you... they are SCARY!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

First Day Jitters

We decided rather than Ry's first day of daycare also being my first week back at work we would send her for a few trial days before I went back.  While I questioned how, when I only have such a short time home with my beautiful girl, I could send her off to be held in someone else's arms, I also knew it would make for a much easier transition when my first day back at work actually comes.  I cried like crazy the night before she was going, but I really like Ry's daycare provider and knew the day would go fine.  My goal was to have Ry there by 8:30, but in non-Kaitlin style we were late.  We ended up arriving around 9:15.  I brought Kipu and cookies in the car for some emotional support after I left her and they both were great!

Everyone kept asking me how many times I had called to check on her.  The answer.  None.  I knew Ry was in good hands, and if something were wrong I would get a phone call.  I did my best to keep busy, did some returns at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R' Us.   Buy Buy Baby had amazing customer service, while BRU where I had thousands of dollars worth of goods on my registry, not so much.  That story is for a separate post.

Now usually for my first day of school I remember picking out the cutest outfit I had.   Usually my Mom made me wear a dress.  I had wanted to do the same for Ry, but gave her a "pass" and let her wear her Halloween outfit instead.  Yes outfit, not costume.  Her costume is currently at Grammy's being sewn up because the hood was too big.

I wish I got some better first day of school pictures, but here she was.  My plan was to take a few more when she came home that night, but unfortunately according to her report card she had a "poop explosion" which resulted in a wardrobe change. 

I can't believe I haven't mentioned what Ry's Halloween costume is.
And of course, why her hood needs fixing:

A few more recent pictures:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bad Habit

I have started a new bad habit. Around 7:30 when Ry starts stirring I bring her into my bed to cuddle up with Momma. It's now 10:50 and Ry is still out cold in the crook of my arm. Tomorrow is her first trial day at daycare so even though I'm starving and need to tinkle I just can't bring myself to move her. The only place I want this little girl to be is in my arms!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ryann's Christening

Sunday was an amazing day.  It was Ry's Christening.  She was surrounded by her loving family and friends.  I got up at around 5am to finish preparing the food and to get ready before Ry woke up.  We dropped Kipu off at 'school' and headed up to the Church.  We Christened Ryann in the church I grew up in.  While I was not Baptized there I did make my 1st Communion, and Confirmation there, and also got married there.  The church holds many fond memories and friendships for me, as well as many years of perfect attendance in Sunday School.  While I haven't decided if this particular church is the church we will raise Ryann in, I do hope that I can find a church that will mean as much to her as this one did to me for years.

Ry's actual Christening gown was made by my Mom out of her wedding dress.  Both my sister and I wore it, and it was so special to be able to pass it down to my first child.  The booties were also mine and were knit by my grandmother as part of an outfit when I was an infant.

Dan gave Ryann a bottle at the start of the church service and given her screaming minutes before we walked up was afraid to take the bottle from her to burp her... her new favorite thing is to scream when she doesn't want to burp!  Ry was very well behaved through the actual Christening sacrement, but had a little melt down during the last hymn/benediction.

After the service our family and friends joined us back at the house to help Ry celebrate.  Ry however had spent the entire Church service staring at the lights when she needed to be napping so she ended up sleeping through most of her party to the dismay of her adoring fans. 

I wish I had done a better job taking pictures, but due to Ry's screaming fit and the need to get home to heat up food we didn't stop for any formal photos before we left.  On the plus side the few photos we did take my hair looked awful.  I guess that is what happens when you start drying your hair only to stop because your little girl needs you.  To my dear friends - if my hair ever looks that awful again please tell me to put it up!

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yesterday we visited with Great Grandma and went grocery shopping in preparation for Ry's Christening this Sunday! When we first thought of using this weekend which was close to when I was heading back to work I felt like it would never come. Now that it is approaching I feel like my time with her has gone by too quick.

After we got home I decided to use Ry's boppy to do a bit of tummy time. We had tried this out weeks ago and she wasn't too fond of it, but this time she seemed to like it!  I guess score one more for the boppy versus Kipu!  I just don't think Kipu would make a good tummy time pillow.

Today we headed out to lunch with Ry's partner in crime Zoe (a.k.a. long labor and c-section buddy), and some of my BFFs.  Unfortunately Ry had another first today.  Her first public meltdown.  Ry spent what felt like the whole lunch but was more like 1/4 of the lunch crying.  Not just little crying.  Like real tears-screaming-crying.  Her last meltdown was as we were leaving - however, the minute the car was in reverse she fell right asleep.

This is what I came back to last night after Ry's 4am feeding:

And last but not least thought - Kipu hit up paci #7. I was able to stop her before she completely destroyed it, but it will be going in the trash due to the rough edges.

{Paci was sanitized before Ry got it back}

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays

Sorry Bug! Love, Mom

I should also mention RIP to the Paci in the picture! It was Ry's last newborn Paci and Kipu ate it last night. If you are keeping track Kipu has now eaten 6 pacis. The 2+ month ones are still huge and I debate replacing it. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First (well second) Impressions

Today we went to visit Ryann's daycare. It's about a 10 minute ride from the house and as we hit the only light on our trip I was surprised to hear that my little pumpkin was still awake {insert crying here}- Ry was due for a nap and usually she falls right asleep in the car these days. When we arrived Ry had a smile on her face and Judy asked if she could take her out so I said sure! As soon as she pulled her out there is was - a massive blow out. Yuck! Judy was sweet enough to change Ry for me, but after her blowout at her cousin's house the other day I had forgot to restock her diaper bag with new outfits. Luckily I found a white onsie so I had something to throw on her.

Talk about embarrassing - what Mom doesn't pack extra outfits especially when they know their little one is between diaper sizes? Oh wait, that would be me! Bad Mom! After Ry was in her 'clean' onsie she started screaming... my girl... the girl that rarely cries (unless she's hungry) was crying inconsolably... it took her a good 20 minutes to settle down/fall asleep.

Well poor Judy must think she is getting a screamer who has a Mom who doesn't know how to care for her sweet little girl. Neither of which (well I'm sure some can argue against the second one) is true. So much for leaving a good impression! Hopefully she will get to see what a sweet good baby Ry really is. While I forgot a backup outfit for Ry, I didn't forget a backup hairbow - so when I took her to the mall in her onsie at least she had a matching bow.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Half Marathon Sunday

So while I married into a pretty awesome family, one downfall is that they are all runners... Not just like go for a jog runners like crazy marathon runners... Makes you feel like you need to run runners. This past Sunday was a half marathon that Dan and I have both run in the past and that his Dad and Brother were running. I have found two ways to get out of running the half marathon since we have been together: 1) Sprain your ankle 2) Have a baby. While you can argue about what hurts more #2 leaves you with an amazing gift at the end, and was the reason neither Dan nor I were running this year!

We did manage to get up and get out of the house by 7:45 to go watch. Ry was bundled up in an outfit courtesy of Big cousin M, and off we went! We got to see both runners go by twice, but only managed to get a picture of Dan's Dad as he ran by. Turned out Kipu is petrified of cow bells. As soon as they went off she hid between Dan's legs!

So to my darling Ryann - when you get old enough to start dating... you know around 40ish or so and are out at a bar rekindling an old flame... or better yet, when you are at a Church Prayer Group rekindling an old flame, I suggest you first find out whether or not your love interest is a runner or not. Who knows maybe you will turn out to be a runner since 1/2 of you comes from that crazy runner family!!! Love you bug! XOXO Momma

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cousin Visit

Hi Guys!  Ry here!  Today Mom and Dad took me to visit my only girl cousin M and my younger (but might not be smaller) cousin JD.  Overall it was a pretty fun trip.  We left Kipu at home, made a few stops on the way at Dunkins and Panera before we got there.  It's a longgg drive to my cousin's house but definitely worth it.  When we arrived M greeted us at the door wearing a hot pink tutu.  I strive to be like her fashion wise, she dresses so great.  After the big people (who eat solid foods) had their lunch JD and I got to have a little lunch.  After JD ate his belly hurt him so I thought it was my duty as the older cousin to show him how to "take care of things", and ended up in my jammies... if you know what I mean.  :)

After I put on  my jammies we took some cousin photos with the help of Dad and Aunite M.   Auntie M was not happy since she was in her jammies too, but I told her it was OK:

It was a great trip, and I was so tired I slept the whole way home. I can't wait to see them again next weekend.