Sunday was an amazing day. It was Ry's Christening. She was surrounded by her loving family and friends. I got up at around 5am to finish preparing the food and to get ready before Ry woke up. We dropped Kipu off at 'school' and headed up to the Church. We Christened Ryann in the church I grew up in. While I was not Baptized there I did make my 1st Communion, and Confirmation there, and also got married there. The church holds many fond memories and friendships for me, as well as many years of perfect attendance in Sunday School. While I haven't decided if this particular church is the church we will raise Ryann in, I do hope that I can find a church that will mean as much to her as this one did to me for years.
Ry's actual Christening gown was made by my Mom out of her wedding dress. Both my sister and I wore it, and it was so special to be able to pass it down to my first child. The booties were also mine and were knit by my grandmother as part of an outfit when I was an infant.
Dan gave Ryann a bottle at the start of the church service and given her screaming minutes before we walked up was afraid to take the bottle from her to burp her... her new favorite thing is to scream when she doesn't want to burp! Ry was very well behaved through the actual Christening sacrement, but had a little melt down during the last hymn/benediction.
After the service our family and friends joined us back at the house to help Ry celebrate. Ry however had spent the entire Church service staring at the lights when she needed to be napping so she ended up sleeping through most of her party to the dismay of her adoring fans.
I wish I had done a better job taking pictures, but due to Ry's screaming fit and the need to get home to heat up food we didn't stop for any formal photos before we left. On the plus side the few photos we did take my hair looked awful. I guess that is what happens when you start drying your hair only to stop because your little girl needs you. To my dear friends - if my hair ever looks that awful again please tell me to put it up!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
No mention of the Mother of God? Seriously?
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize you wanted to be Ry's Godmother for the social media attention. Apologies. Ry's Godmother is A.K. :) Better?