Talk about embarrassing - what Mom doesn't pack extra outfits especially when they know their little one is between diaper sizes? Oh wait, that would be me! Bad Mom! After Ry was in her 'clean' onsie she started screaming... my girl... the girl that rarely cries (unless she's hungry) was crying inconsolably... it took her a good 20 minutes to settle down/fall asleep.
Well poor Judy must think she is getting a screamer who has a Mom who doesn't know how to care for her sweet little girl. Neither of which (well I'm sure some can argue against the second one) is true. So much for leaving a good impression! Hopefully she will get to see what a sweet good baby Ry really is. While I forgot a backup outfit for Ry, I didn't forget a backup hairbow - so when I took her to the mall in her onsie at least she had a matching bow.
She looks ginger here!