Today was another relatively relaxed beach day, with the exception of a slightly cranky Bug. We came to the conclusion last night that we were pretty sure Ry was teething, and it felt like something was coming in. During lunch today we noticed what almost looks like a little slit in her gums where we think the tooth is. I was talking to my Mom and she suggested banging lightly tapping Ry’s gum with a metal spoon, and if it “clinked” it meant a tooth was there, sure enough… CLINK!
Today we started out the day on the beach. When we got down to the beach and set up the tent, it was a little crooked due to Dan’s lack of properly putting it away the day before. We spent all morning relaxing and trying to get Ry to nap. Again, it took another hour plus, but she finally went down. Of course, this was right around when Dan and I were getting overheated and ready to leave. While Ry was sleeping I ran up to Beach Place and bought Ry a big bouncy ball – she’ll never get the opportunity to play with one at home for more than 5 minutes before Kipu pops it. An hour later, Ry was up, and we finally got to leave the beach.
Daddy - It's so embarassing being in a crooked tent |
Finally Napping |
Once we got back to the room we fed Ry and headed out to find lunch for ourselves. We ended at Mexico Cantina which was about 2 blocks from the hotel. As soon as we got our drinks, I knew we were in for a much better lunch than yesterday. I had ordered the Fish Tacos which were delish, and Dan got a Chicken Sandwich. Yes, I did say Chicken Sandwich from a Mexican joint, BBQ Chicken Sandwich to be exact. Ry was very well behaved during our lunch, and everyone commented on what a cute girl she was. After lunch we made our daily stop at Hagen Daaz. Yum.
The puff monster at work:

At least one of them keeps the sunglasses on!
Mararita's for Mommy!!! |

Up next was another overdue nap for Ryann, it lasted about 30 minutes, and then we hit the pool where Ry loved playing and splashing in the water.
Ry loves to swim! |
Happy Girl! |
Before dinner, we headed up to the 19th floor to check out the ocean view from the lounge. When we arrived up there it was packed - we struck up conversation with a few people, had a glass of complimentary wine, some cheese and crackers, took some pictures, and then headed out. Only to realize that it was the Marriott’s Owners Reception for all the time share owners. Ooops! Another first for Ry – she crashed her first party!
Party Crashers! |
Veiw from the 19th Floor |
View looking down to the pool |
Dinner was uneventful, but was followed up with Ry’s first time playing in the sand. The first time we put Ry near the sand, she started screaming, a girl after her Mama’s heart. Who loves being covered in sand? YUCK! Unfortunately, after she settled down, Ry decided she LOVED the sand. It only took her 15 minutes before she realized she could EAT the sand. Once she realized she could EAT the sand, she LOVED it when we told her “NO”. She thought we were hilarious.
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