Friday, January 20, 2012

A day in the life - Work day

There was a challenge floating around one of the Mommy boards I follow to post a day in the life timeline including pictures.  I figured this will be a fun way for Ry to see what her days were like way back when some day.

4am - Ryann wakes up for a bottle.  Tonight is "Daddy's Turn" to get up and feed.  I gently give Dan a slight kick under the covers and inquire every so sweetly grumplily as to when he is going to get up and feed her.  {insert Mommy rolling back over and going back to sleep}

6am - Alarm goes off.

6:09am - Alarm again.  I turn on the TV to check out the news.

6:22am - Kipu decides she is too cold under the covers near me, and makes her way to the middle of the bed.

 6:22am - I take this as my time to get up and go take a shower.
 6:38am - Fast shower today, needed to be a work early to prep for a meeting.  Into the master bath to brush my teeth.
 6:43am - Ryann is still sleeping.  Give her a kiss good bye, and tell her I love her.  Daddy is doing day care drop off today.

  Oh and need to check to make sure I left Dan out an outfit.
 And see if Ryann has a bow to match.  No Luck.  Bummer.  I'm guessing I need to order more bows.

6:46am - One more look at my sweet sleeping girl,
6:47am - and one more at my other two loves!
6:50 - Switch the laundry from the night before

6:55am - must start shoveling the drive, see picture above where husband and dog are still sleeping.  This picture does not do the massive hill that is our driveway justice.

7:06am - still shoveling, but look Kipu is up.  That means Dan is too.  Still no sign of him outside.
7:16am - must stop shoveling.  Running late for work.
7:17am - Go to get in the car, and I see Dan's winter floor mats.  Is it not winter yet?
Finally on my way!
and listening to my audiobook on my iPod.
7:36am - That is better my iPod was lonely in the cup holders alone.  Add in qaud half-caff espresso over ice in a venti cup with extra caramel drizzle.  Much happier iPod and Mommy.
7:54am - Almost at work - took a longing look across the pond {Waves to Stacy}
8:01am - Hello office, I forgot how messy I left you when I ran out of you to go pick up Ry at daycare last night.
8:04am - time to work!
9:18am - just got back to my desk with the free coffee from downstairs
9:30am - quick trip to the internet
10am - Meeting with both bosses to go over a bad debt calculation
12:31pm - Snack time!  I forgot to take a picture of my equally unhealthy lunch.
1pm - Waiting for an important phone call.  Didn't go as planned. Bummer.
4:37pm - Traffic going to get Ry.  Bummer.
4:50pm - I'm here bug!  Wake up and see your Momma!
5:06pm - On our way home!

5:25pm - We are home!
 5:30pm - Kipu gives us an evil eye
 5:35 - Butternut squash!  Yumm!!

6:09pm - Back in the carseat to go see Grammy! AND Daddy gets home!  YAY!! Sooo happy!

7pm - Looks like Ry is going to be way off her normal bedtime schedule tonight!  Chili's for dinner with Grammy!! Ry tried out the wooden highchair.  She is such a peanut the seat just wasn't for her

8:18pm - A visit with Great Grandma
 8:45pm A little nakey time on your blankey. After your tummy time.  You should Grandma and Great Grandma how you roll over, only Great Grandma got mad because I moved your arm.
 8:52pm - Daddy gives you a bottle
 9:02pm - Getting ready to go home.  Good by kisses from Grammy.
 9:28pm - We are home
 9:40pm - Beddy time at last!

9:50pm - Daddy plays outside with Kipu, Mommy types our your day, and then Daddy heads out to the gym!  Oh what a day.  Happy Friday!!!


  1. Look at you! Super mom! Shoveling snow in the morning before work! Ahh, the joys of a working mom... :)

  2. Daddy would have gotten a better work out shoveling than a 10pm trip to the gym...

    1. HAHHA! He told me he wants to do the next "day in the life post" on a day I am lazy so he can document that! In his defense he has shoveled both other snow storms this winter, and every.single.time last winter (which was a lot)

    2. True. We should get pregnant every winter.
