Ry is 5 months old! I still can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up. Here a a few highlights from the month:
- Ry had her 4 month appointment and weighed in at 12lbs 1.5oz on 12/23. She took her shots like a champ, minus a slight screaming which stopped as soon as her Daddy picked her up.
- First stomach bug. Oh it was so awful for Mom and Dad. We felt so bad for our poor girl who just didn't want to eat.
- Ry's sleep habits have regressed a bit since her 4 month update. She now goes to bed between 8-9p and wakes up around 4.
- Ry is 98% a formula fed baby. She doesn't seem to have any problems with this, unlike her Mom, who has a bunch of mixed emotions.
- She has tried rice cereal and avocados. She loves her some avocados, and just last night after she licked her bowl clean she continued to chew like she wanted more.
- Ry had her first ultrasound. The doctor wanted to get a look at her spine. All checked out fine!
- Ry still loves her baths. She went swimming and loved that it. She is a crazy splasher.
- Still wearing a size 1 daiper, and her clothes are 0-3 or 3-6 with most being 3-6.
- She has a rolled over a few times, (more specifically when she has no clothes on), is not a huge fan of sitting, but loves to stand.
- Ry also had her first ear infection which came with some bubblegum medicine which Mom and Dad have to use mean tatics to get her to take. If it weren't for a few grabs at her ear we would have never known - she was still so happy and fun loving. When we were at the doctor (2 days before 5 months) she weighted 13lbs 2oz.
- Favorite toys include princess, Snoop, Violet and her activity table.

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