Monday, January 16, 2012

How did we go...

From this:

To This:

To This:

I had an amazing visit with some of the best girls a Mom and her daughter could ask for. Ryann loves hanging out with Zoe and learning all Zoe's new tricks.  Did I mention how Zoe could have been the reason I was in labor for 40 hours, Ry was sunnyside up, and I ended up with a c-Section... that's right - Zoe and her Mom had a VERY similiar experience.  Before Ryann came we kept telling Zoe not to share her "advice" on how to come out.  Turns out she did anyways.  Kimmy and I decided both girls are grounded at 16.

I have a ton of additional pictures from our visit, so those will be coming soon.

I just hope they years don't go by to fast and we start seeing our girls like this!


  1. I think Ry and Z have as much in store for us as we do them!

  2. Like their week long grounding when they are 16 for bad deliveries?
