Our cloth diapering trial is officially over! While I liked them Dan did not even bother to try them once. I had 7 cloth diaper brands to try - 8 if you count a gDiaper from Zoe. The following are my personal opinions of the varying diapers that we tried, and are no way being endorsed by the diaper companies.
The applecheeks was probably one of my top two that we tried. One thing I hadn't thought about before I went to DiaperLab was the fact that not all cloth diapers wick away the moisture. This was a must for me. At this age they are too young to be potty training so I feel like not wicking away the wetness just isn't a very nice feeling. I still have done no research on the pros and cons of this, so again this was just based on personal preference. Apple cheeks are not one size fits all, and Ry is currently sporting a size 1. The interior is felt which wicks away the moisture and it is what they refer to as an "envelope" which you insert a bamboo layer folded in thirds. The fit of this one was probably my second favorite out of the bunch, and another highlight was the fact that you don't have to pull the insert out before you wash it, it is designed to come out during the wash.
The applecheeks was probably one of my top two that we tried. One thing I hadn't thought about before I went to DiaperLab was the fact that not all cloth diapers wick away the moisture. This was a must for me. At this age they are too young to be potty training so I feel like not wicking away the wetness just isn't a very nice feeling. I still have done no research on the pros and cons of this, so again this was just based on personal preference. Apple cheeks are not one size fits all, and Ry is currently sporting a size 1. The interior is felt which wicks away the moisture and it is what they refer to as an "envelope" which you insert a bamboo layer folded in thirds. The fit of this one was probably my second favorite out of the bunch, and another highlight was the fact that you don't have to pull the insert out before you wash it, it is designed to come out during the wash.

Next up BottomBumpers. This is an all in one (AIO) CD, that comes in varying sizes. This is the only cloth diaper that leaked. It was also the first CD that I put on her, so it easily could have been user error. I think the #1 reason I don't like AIO's is because I don't like that you have to add additional layers to get them to wick away moisture. Overall fit was OK, and these diapers aren't one-size fits all.

Next Up - Gro-Via another AIO cloth diaper. Again I liked the fit, but I didn't love how you snapped onto the back (if that makes any sense). I liked it better when the snaps where on the flaps. (See Bum Genius below.)

Onto BumGenius - Another AIO Cloth diaper. I liked the fit/snaps on these better than the Gro Via, but again they are all still so big on my little peanut that I didn't like the need to stuff more things in it to get it to wick away the moisture.

Thirsties - OK this one was a massive fail on my part. I had both the Duo Diaper which is essentially a pocket diaper, and the Fab Fitted diaper on her at the same time. Yup no wonder she couldn't even come close to closing her legs. I assumed the pocket diaper was the "cover" for the fitted. Becuase of this, I never really gave these two diapers a fair shot... Ry never wore them for longer than this picture.
SoftBums Omni - This was probably my favorite fit of all the CD we tried. This again was a pocket diaper which wicked away the moisture. I realize the velcro wears away after time versus the snaps, but I do prefer it. So much easier to use.
Finally - FuzziBunz -Another pocket diaper we tried. I don't love how they fit, but they are a moisture wicking material. There is an "adjustable" elastic that runs through the legs, but as far as one-size I actually preferred the snaps on the Gro-Via's and BG.
While I don't see us going to full time cloth diapering any time soon. I do intend to continue to use them on Ry. Our current stash consists of only 6 CD. FuzziBunz, SoftBums Omni, and AppleCheeks.
I think Ry looks cutest in Applecheeks
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