Well it's been a rough few days for Momma in the Kob's house. As in missed two days of work, completely miserably sick, with an awful sinus infection, rough few days. But after 7 days of antibiotics, I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. Sorry Ry - your 6 month post is going to be very late this month. Hopefully you will forgive me.
In the mean time - for Valentine's day we gave you the VTech Move & Crawl Ball. (However it was half the price in Target as it is on Amazon). In return you gave us - the gift of SITTING! After weeks of having no interest in sitting, I put the ball in front of you, and you just decided - it was time to sit. What a big girl!!!
Tonight we take you to the eye doctor - both Momma and AK needed glasses as kids, so if you need them too, you can definitely blame your Momma's genes. This one didn't come from Daddy.

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