Friday, October 28, 2011

First Day Jitters

We decided rather than Ry's first day of daycare also being my first week back at work we would send her for a few trial days before I went back.  While I questioned how, when I only have such a short time home with my beautiful girl, I could send her off to be held in someone else's arms, I also knew it would make for a much easier transition when my first day back at work actually comes.  I cried like crazy the night before she was going, but I really like Ry's daycare provider and knew the day would go fine.  My goal was to have Ry there by 8:30, but in non-Kaitlin style we were late.  We ended up arriving around 9:15.  I brought Kipu and cookies in the car for some emotional support after I left her and they both were great!

Everyone kept asking me how many times I had called to check on her.  The answer.  None.  I knew Ry was in good hands, and if something were wrong I would get a phone call.  I did my best to keep busy, did some returns at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R' Us.   Buy Buy Baby had amazing customer service, while BRU where I had thousands of dollars worth of goods on my registry, not so much.  That story is for a separate post.

Now usually for my first day of school I remember picking out the cutest outfit I had.   Usually my Mom made me wear a dress.  I had wanted to do the same for Ry, but gave her a "pass" and let her wear her Halloween outfit instead.  Yes outfit, not costume.  Her costume is currently at Grammy's being sewn up because the hood was too big.

I wish I got some better first day of school pictures, but here she was.  My plan was to take a few more when she came home that night, but unfortunately according to her report card she had a "poop explosion" which resulted in a wardrobe change. 

I can't believe I haven't mentioned what Ry's Halloween costume is.
And of course, why her hood needs fixing:

A few more recent pictures:

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