Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yesterday we visited with Great Grandma and went grocery shopping in preparation for Ry's Christening this Sunday! When we first thought of using this weekend which was close to when I was heading back to work I felt like it would never come. Now that it is approaching I feel like my time with her has gone by too quick.

After we got home I decided to use Ry's boppy to do a bit of tummy time. We had tried this out weeks ago and she wasn't too fond of it, but this time she seemed to like it!  I guess score one more for the boppy versus Kipu!  I just don't think Kipu would make a good tummy time pillow.

Today we headed out to lunch with Ry's partner in crime Zoe (a.k.a. long labor and c-section buddy), and some of my BFFs.  Unfortunately Ry had another first today.  Her first public meltdown.  Ry spent what felt like the whole lunch but was more like 1/4 of the lunch crying.  Not just little crying.  Like real tears-screaming-crying.  Her last meltdown was as we were leaving - however, the minute the car was in reverse she fell right asleep.

This is what I came back to last night after Ry's 4am feeding:

And last but not least thought - Kipu hit up paci #7. I was able to stop her before she completely destroyed it, but it will be going in the trash due to the rough edges.

{Paci was sanitized before Ry got it back}

1 comment:

  1. If I'm the GODMOTHER, that means I get to hold her as much as I want on Sunday, right?
